Thursday, December 30, 2010

In 2011...

... I resolve to do the following... (I am not a big fan of the word resolution. Goal also sounds dorky. How about I plan to focus on the following...)


organised studio
This kind of shelving is what I need. Via Etsy Open Studios.

Goodness I am by no means a slob and all my things look tidy-ish but I just have so much that I don't know I have. Moving 6 times in 3 years also hasn't improved matters. I have boxes full with things I've forgotten, tons of clothes that most likely don't fit since I lost tons of weight since moving from America, and art supplies in all forms scattered about. I can't wait to move my life from cardboard boxes into a new apartment onto gorgeous shelves and into closets where they can stay for a while instead of just a few months. (Can we please just skip January so it can be February already!!!!)

I need not only organize my stuff but my business as well. I need a better system than my pink post-it system for my Etsy orders, and I should probably start doing inventory of my supplies. Exciting!

Seriously the cutest thing ever. Can't wait to make more plans so I can write them in the sweetest Agenda ever!

For emmakisstina I got BIG PLANS! (I may even have a few up my sleeves that I am just dying to share...hint hint)

More works! More details! Interiors, new compositions, new colors, new formats, originals, paintings, and lots of pet portraits and custom projects!

I also would like to do Daily Drawings which I could show off here. Wouldn't that be nice? I need to draw more more more.

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