Sometimes the boyfriend and I crave something really really swedish for dinner... like matjes sill (pickled herring) with boiled potatoes, red onion, brown butter and sour cream, with hard boiled egg caviar hard sandwiches.

Sweet salty smokey nutty creamy savory all on one plate. So yummy! If you live outside of Sweden, you can find matjes sill and smokey caviar at IKEA... try it!

Sweet salty smokey nutty creamy savory all on one plate. So yummy! If you live outside of Sweden, you can find matjes sill and smokey caviar at IKEA... try it!
Hej! Kristina, you are so gorgeous... I love all of your posts, but just had to comment on this one as I enjoyed a very similar dish with my cousins in Sweden a couple of years ago! I have family in Malmo. I miss them dearly... they've taught me a bit of Swedish but it's very limited! In terms of Sweden, I miss the Swedish summers! Icy cold glass with lingonberry sauce, clear skies and vibrant flowers, fresh berries eaten in the garden. It's nothing like Australian summers, where I live. It's so darn hot I want to hibernate inside under the air conditioner! I've been to Stockholm a couple of times ago and I loved the city. Glad you've got the opportunity to live in your 'homeland' now :) By the way, I love your illustrations. My brain is ticking over the possibility of some header design work for my blog now! Hm, do you think your style would suit? Puss! x
What a lovely comment! Sweden really is a wonderful country. I'm especially enjoying that it's warming up just a bit more (Winters can be rough!) I'm hoping for a really really gorgeous summer so I can spend as much time outdoors as possible! When living in Florida I just couldn't stand it, the heat made me crazy.
Thanks so much for loving my illustrations too, I'm always up for more design work. Feel to contact me whenever. xo Kristina
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