Friday, May 16, 2014

How to Grow Your Own Pea Sprouts

Hello Friday!

I must confess I definitely don't have a green thumb and don't particularly enjoy gardening. The boyfriend luckily takes care of all of our houseplants, and he does a great job at keeping them very happy. As much as I love to look at succulents, palms and the such they're just not that exciting. Edible plants however are very exciting to me, and make me want to put on my gardening gloves! 

Every Spring when Sweden decides to warm up just ever so slightly we plant lots of fragrant edible herbs on our sunny balcony. I absolutely adore picking out the herbs to grow and getting to use them fresh in cooking all Summer long. I even freeze the herbs to use all Winter long as well when the Summer growing season is over. This year I wanted to branch out to try growing something else edible, why not sprouts!

Not only are sprouts incredibly good for you, they are also delicious and really really really easy to grow.

What you'll need to grow your own pea sprouts:

• Organic dried yellow peas (the kind you make split pea soup with)
• A pot
• Potting soil
• Water
• and love ;)

Fill pot with soil, sprinkle your dried peas over and then cover with about 1 cm of more soil. Now place on a sunny windowsill and water every day for about 10 days until they look like my photos. Then you are free to just cut and eat on sandwiches, salads, or just as a snack. I felt like a kid again watching the little greens popping through the soil and growing into gorgeous green shoots. It's amazing how quickly they grow!

 I really want to start sprouting other seeds and beans. Do you sprout? What would you suggest me try next?


Lisa {A Piece of Lisa} said...

Fina sprouts! Jag försöker odla tomater och potatis på balkongen, tror potatisen blir bra men tomatplantorna ser lite svaga ut.. :)

Unknown said...

Kul Lisa! Vi också har provat tomater, de behöver helt sjukt mycket vatten! Säkert blir bra med det fina vädret vi kommer få nu i helgen. :)