I've decided to get my hair cut tomorrow. It's about time, I don't remember when I cut it last. (oops) I hate getting my hair cut. It's not like I'm scared or am in love with my hair... puhlease I hate my hair actually, it's stringy and thin and boring. I swear I always get a hair dresser who has no idea what to do with fine hair, they cut tons of layers so I am left with like no hair at all, and then they love shoving some sort of weird goo to 'finish' the look. Ummm now it looks gross and sticky and like I'm almost bald miss hairdresser, what is your problem? I guess I am to blame, I never go to the same hairdresser, and I always pick those cheap walk-in places. (But I have gone to expensive places too, with the same result, so why waste my money... I can just wear my hair in a ponytail for the rest of my life.) hahaha
So tomorrow I'm going to ask for a straight simple long bob parted in the middle without any goo. Hope it works out. We'll see...
This is dream hair...

So tomorrow I'm going to ask for a straight simple long bob parted in the middle without any goo. Hope it works out. We'll see...
This is dream hair...

You should try Living Proof hair products. The products are not sticky! Even the hair spray lives a light feel while still holding a curl etc.
Thickening Cream for Volume:
A long bob would be lovely on you
Getting hair cuts can be traumatic....I sometimes find that hairdressers are only familiar with one Type of hair...good luck
also I found you on the sterling style blog hope you'll take time to look at my blog and if you like what you see perhaps we can follow one another!
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