Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Scarf Update!

I've been getting a lot of questions about my scarves lately so how about an update.

I wish I had more information about when they will be available but I don't. I think I've been saying they are coming tomorrow for about 2 weeks now, very irritating... Plus I had promised they would be available November 1st, so I'm way off schedule! It is embarrassing.  And the hard part is that it is out of my control. Blah. The company sewing the scarves has been taking their time and have been very bad at communicating with me.

I hope the extra time means that the scarves will be extra gorgeous (which is what I imagine they will be.) But bad communication is just no fun!

Maybe, just maybe I will get them tomorrow. For real this time! And as soon as I do I will make them available in my web shops. Promise...

1 comment:

Kashaya said...

Ser fram emot att du får in dem.=)