Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello Monday!

Even though today is Monday, it's been a great day. Isn't that weird? Well it hasn't actually been a difficult day. I slept in till 10am, read the newspaper and ate breakfast for at least an hour, took a fabulous shower and then finally got to work at about 1pm. haha a rough workday, not. Almost like half a Sunday. :)

Anywho... I've got a few fresh ideas to start work on. One of you lovely readers suggested I do a series of City portraits, and I just adore this idea. So I'm starting work on Stockholm, Paris and London first. Then maybe I'll do New York, Rome, Barcelona, Tokyo, and so on and so on. I can even do your city! Where do you all live?

Stockholm is gorgeous!


Jamie said...

Tampa! Maybe Tampa theater?

lacoquettedelamode said...

That photo of Stockholm is stunning!

XX Kathryn