Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Red Wine, artichokes and lots of love...

A romantic dinner for two. This is what our Friday night looked like...

Truffel salami (yum!), serrano, cheap parmesan, and basil from our balcony

love how cherry tomatoes are perfectly round

A Barbera D'asti was served

I cooked the largest artichoke I've ever seen, nearly too large for any of our pans... served with melted butter and lots of salt of course

elegant Truffel oil pasta and a very rare steak too!

I love meals like these.... pulling off the large green petals and scraping off the nutty flesh with my teeth, picking up oily salami with my fingers, eating a cherry tomato as if it were a chocolate praline, drizzling just a little more truffel oil on everything, while taking sips of red wine in between.


Shayla said...

Yeah. I am so hungry now!


Unknown said...

I'm just starving too! Time for lunch, also a bit Italian, spaghetti with meat sauce, yum!